Open-Heart Surgery

Open-Heart Surgery

Open-heart surgery requires  years of training and practice. Lima Memorial Heart and Vascular Institute has board-certified heart surgeons with years of training in advanced cardiac surgery. Patients do not have to travel to other cities to find that level of surgical expertise. Lima Memorial performs more open-heart surgeries than any other hospital in our region.

What is open-heart surgery?

Open-heart surgery generally refers to an operation in which the surgeon opens the chest and repairs areas of the heart or the arteries. This often involves temporarily stopping the heart, and allowing a heart-lung machine to provide oxygen-rich blood to the brain and other vital organs.
Some newer surgical procedures can be performed with the heart beating. Many minimally invasive surgical procedures--some available at Lima Memorial--are also considered open-heart surgery.

What is the success rate of open heart surgery?

This varies patient to patient, and your surgeon will advise you on your specific case. But open-heart surgery is one of the most commonly performed operations in the United States, with a high
overall survival rate. There are a variety of types of open-heart surgeries, depending on the condition being treated and the overall health of the patient.

The Lima Memorial Open-Heart Surgical Team includes:

  • Certified heart surgeons with years of experience performing open-heart surgery in many of the leading teaching hospitals in the United States
  • Cardiac nurses, perfusionists and other support staff who also have extensive experience and training in cardiac surgery
  • Highly trained critical care nurses staffing our cardiac critical care units

Open-Heart Surgery Suites and Facilities at Lima Memorial

Lima Memorial open-heart surgery suites, cardiovascular intensive care and postoperative step-down units are all on the same floor for patient safety and convenience. This also gives heart surgeons immediate access to the cardiology department located right next door. Critical care beds permit patients to remain in the same room from post-op to recovery, with step-down units that allow cardiac nurses to closely observe postoperative patients and quickly respond should a patient need critical care.
Questions about Open Heart Surgery? To contact Lima Memorial Heart and Vascular Institute or learn more
about open-heart surgery, call 419-224-5915.

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